Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001

Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001

Microsoft OneNote 2013 Full Download Summary

Microsoft OneNote 2013Office Suites & ToolsWindows 7, Windows 8

User Rating: 2.1 (12 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 963 kB
  • Platform: Windows 7, Windows 8
  • License: Freeware
  • Price: FREE
  • Downloads: Total: 308 | This Month: 1
  • Released: Feb 16, 2015
  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Publisher URL:

Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001 Full Description

Microsoft OneNote will give you the ultimate place to store and share your information in a single, easy-to-access location. Your stuff travels with you on your computers, tablets and phones. Get OneNote for any of your devices or use it on the web. Get things done with your friends, family, classmates and colleagues. Share your notebooks with others for viewing or editing. Use OneNote at home, school and work to capture thoughts, ideas and to-do's. Find all your notes quickly in the recent view.

OneNote seamlessly integrates, as expected, with utilities included in the Office suite, as well as other applications. You can link notes to a webpage, assign them a reference to a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation or transfer a task to Outlook. Capture text, images, video and audio notes with OneNote to keep your thoughts, ideas and important information readily available.

Capture thoughts, ideas, and to-dos and sync them to all your devices
Store and share your notebooks on OneDrive with your free Microsoft account
Doesn't expire - use OneNote for as long as you like

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Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001 Free Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001 full version from the publisher, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Microsoft OneNote 2013 15.0.4693.1001 - Post Your Review

Microsoft OneNote 2013 x64 15.0.4641.1001

Microsoft OneNote x64 will give you the ultimate place to ... you on your computers, tablets and phones. Get OneNote x64 for any of your devices or use ... notebooks with others for viewing or editing. Use OneNote x64 at home, school and work to capture ... your notes quickly in the recent view. OneNote x64 seamlessly integrates, as expected, with utilities included ...
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Microsoft OneNote will give you the ultimate place to store ... you on your computers, tablets and phones. Get OneNote for any of your devices or use it ... notebooks with others for viewing or editing. Use OneNote at home, school and work to capture thoughts, ... your notes quickly in the recent view. OneNote seamlessly integrates, as expected, with utilities included in ...
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