Microsoft Office 2010 14.0.6023.1000

Microsoft Office 2010 14.0.6023.1000

Microsoft Office 2010 Full Download Summary

Microsoft Office 2010Office Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.3 (52 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 362.00 MB
  • Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • License: Trialware
  • Price: $499.99
  • Downloads: Total: 3020 | This Month: 5
  • Released: Jul 18, 2012
  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Publisher URL:

Microsoft Office 2010 14.0.6023.1000 Full Description

Office is one of the best products ever released by Microsoft and it can even be considered as a must-have for millions of users out there. The Redmond-based software giant has continuously improved its Office suite, so it currently comes with a very attractive interface that keeps features a bit more organized, so that users can now benefit easier from its innovative functions.

Installing Microsoft Office might seem a little tricky, since there are a lot of tools bundled into the installation kit, so computer knowledge can come in handy when trying to deploy a fresh copy of the software. Also, copying all files usually takes a while, even in the case of fast computers, since there are a lot of files that need to be transferred on the hard disks.

Microsoft Office comes with several tools, as it follows: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, Access, InfoPath, OneNote, Project, SharePoint Designer and Visio. Each of these can be installed separately or together with some other utilities that can make ease office work.

Excel is ideal for creating spreadsheets and keeping track of one's finance, Outlook is the right tool to manage email, PowerPoint generates high-quality presentations, Word can be used to format and organize texts, Access is a database management system, InfoPath facilitates creation and distribution of electronic forms, whereas OneNote supports multi-user collaboration and Project, SharePoint Designer and Visio come in handy to developers.

Release notes:

New Release
Access 2010 SP1:
· Access 2010 SP1 adds a new feature to integrate community content in the Application Parts gallery.
· Fixes an issue that occurs when you try to export an Access file to an Excel workbook.
· Improves the performance when publishing client forms from Access that contains embedded images

Excel 2010 SP1:
· Improves the overall stability, performance and backward compatibility with earlier versions by addressing bugs that affect lots of users. For specific bugs fixes, download the "Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 Changes" workbook discussed later in this article.
· Function names now maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of Excel for the Czech, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish languages.

OneNote 2010 SP1:
· Added a new Open from web option that is located under the File Open menu. This enables you to open OneNote notebooks from Windows Live SkyDrive.
[ Microsoft Office 2010 full changelog ]

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Microsoft Office 2010 14.0.6023.1000 - Post Your Review

Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack x64 SP2

Microsoft Office 2010 x64 gives you powerful new tools to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. Office 2010 lets you work how, when, and where you ... the Web, and even a smartphone. Access 2010 SP2: · Access 2010 SP2 adds a new feature to integrate community ... from Access that contains embedded images Excel 2010 SP2: · Improves the overall stability, performance and ...
software pick

Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack SP2

Microsoft Office 2010 gives you powerful new tools to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. Office 2010 lets you work how, when, and where you ... the Web, and even a smartphone. Access 2010 SP2: · Access 2010 SP2 adds a new feature to integrate community ... from Access that contains embedded images Excel 2010 SP2: · Improves the overall stability, performance and ...
software pick

Microsoft Office 2010 x64 14.0.6023.1000

Office x64 is one of the best products ever released by Microsoft and it can even be considered as a ... The Redmond-based software giant has continuously improved its Office suite x64, so it currently comes with a ... benefit easier from its innovative functions. Installing Microsoft Office x64 might seem a little tricky, since ...
software pick

Classic Menu for Office 2010 and 2013 5.50

... bring back the familiar menus and toolbars to Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013. The classic view allows you to work with Office 2010/2013 as if it were Office 2003/2002(XP)/2000. All new features of Office 2010 and 2013 have been included in the classic menus, and you can still enjoy many Office 2003, 2000, 2002 functions which have been removed ...

Office Tab Enterprise 64bit 8.50

... browsers -- Internet Explorer 8, Firefox or Chrome, Microsoft Office does not use a single window to hold ... for viewing and editing. The product lines of Office Tab improve the ability of MS Office, and bring the tabbed user interface to Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit (include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, ...