Portable Firefox 130.0.1

Portable Firefox 130.0.1

Portable Firefox Full Download Summary

Portable FirefoxBrowsersWindows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit

User Rating: 2.8 (30 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 135.00 MB
  • Platform: Windows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit
  • License: Open Source
  • Price: FREE
  • Downloads: Total: 3035 | This Month: 3
  • Released: Sep 18, 2024
  • Publisher: John T. Haller
  • Publisher URL: https://portableapps.com/

Portable Firefox 130.0.1 Full Description

your browser, your way... in your pocket™

Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser bundled with a PortableApps.com Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you.


Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured web browser that's easy to use. It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more. Plus, thanks to the PortableApps.com launcher bundled in the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favorite browser along with all your favorite bookmarks and extensions with you wherever you go.

Release notes:

New Release
Firefox now allows translating selected text portions to different languages after a full-page translation.
Firefox now offers an easy way to try experimental features with a new Firefox Labs page in Settings.
AI Chatbot feature lets you add the chatbot of your choice to the sidebar, for quick access as you browse.
Picture-in-Picture auto-open experiment enables PiP on active videos when switching tabs.
Overscroll animations are now enabled as the default behavior for scrollable areas on Linux.
Users in the United States and Canada can view local weather directly on the new tab page. Additionally, they have the option to select a specific location to see current weather conditions.
Various security fixes.
Fixed an issue where Copy and Paste context menu items intermittently were not enabled when expected.
The following languages are now supported by Firefox translation:
The PrivateBrowsingModeAvailability policy had been added to provide better control over private browsing. (This will be in the next ESR.)
Special Notes:
This is the last major release of the Firefox 115 ESR for enterprises. Firefox 115 ESR goes out of support for enterprises on October 1, 2024. At that time Firefox 115 ESR users will be upgraded to the Firefox 128 ESR.
We are extending Firefox 115 support for Windows 7/8 users.
If you need to prevent upgrades for any reason, you can use the AppUpdatePin policy.
The name attribute of the <details> element now allows the grouping of <details> elements, where only one element within a group can be open at a time. This allows you to create an exclusive accordion without using JavaScript (Firefox bug 1856460 and Firefox bug 1909613).
The dir and lang global attributes now have improved inheritance, including how they work with shadow DOM (Firefox bug 1876163.
The hyphens CSS property i
[ Portable Firefox full changelog ]

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Portable Firefox 130.0.1 Free Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of Portable Firefox 130.0.1 full version from the publisher, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Portable Firefox 130.0.1 - Post Your Review

Pale Moon Portable 33.1.0

Why settle for a basic build of your Firefox browser on Windows Operating Systems when you can ... is the Pale Moon project: Custom-built and optimized Firefox browsers for Windows Operating Systems. Make sure to ... means that this browser, however extremely close to Firefox, does not have all the functions that Firefox ...
software award

Pale Moon Portable x64 33.1.0

Why settle for a basic build of your Firefox browser on Windows Operating Systems when you can ... is the Pale Moon project: Custom-built and optimized Firefox browsers for Windows Operating Systems. Make sure to ... means that this browser, however extremely close to Firefox, does not have all the functions that Firefox ...
software award

Pale Moon x64 33.1.0

Why settle for a basic build of your Firefox browser on Windows Operating Systems when you can ... is the Pale Moon project: Custom-built and optimized Firefox browsers for Windows Operating Systems. Make sure to ... means that this browser, however extremely close to Firefox, does not have all the functions that Firefox ...
software award