Universal SQL Editor

Universal SQL Editor

Universal SQL Editor Full Download Summary

Universal SQL EditorDatabases & ToolsWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 8

User Rating: 3.8 (10 votes)

  • File size: 2.44 MB
  • Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 8
  • License: Free To Try
  • Price: $39.00
  • Downloads: Total: 4109 | This Month: 0
  • Released: Apr 18, 2023
  • Publisher: Ming Software
  • Publisher URL: http://mingsoftware.com/

Universal SQL Editor Full Description

Universal SQL Editor is a lightweight Intellisense-enabled database query tool. It allows you connect Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase and any ODBC compliant database, and edit complex SQL with Intellisense-like autocompletion, highlight references, parameter hinting, syntax highlighting, SQL formatting, plus other useful features that allow you to work more efficiently. In additional, query results returned by this query tool supports grouping, filtering, searching, and can also be exported to Excel spreadsheet or as a set of SQL statements.

Release notes:

Major Update
Supports custom formatting for Float & Double; Fixed some compatibility issues related to Windows 11 and 64-bit version (Please download via http://mingsoftware.com/universalsqleditor/download/UniversalSQLEditorSetup_x64.msi) and fixed some issues.
[ Universal SQL Editor full changelog ]

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