UMove x64 1.10.974

UMove x64 1.10.974

UMove x64 Full Download Summary

UMove x64Other Server ApplicationsWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 1.4 (7 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 4.50 MB
  • Platform: Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64
  • License: Demo
  • Price: $129.95
  • Downloads: Total: 558 | This Month: 1
  • Released: Sep 4, 2013
  • Publisher: Algin Technology LLC
  • Publisher URL:

UMove x64 1.10.974 Full Description

UMove is an application that can recover, move or clone the Microsoft Active Directory database for recovery, backup or testing. UMove an easy to use utility that can make daily snapshots or clone the Active Directory (AD) database, even from a dead computer. It can back up and recover AD like no other utility.

* Make perfect snapshots of Active Directory
* Rescue Active Directory from a non-bootable computer
* Make scheduled daily backups of AD
* Move your domain controller to a faster computer
* Copy Active Directory to a virtual machine (VM) for testing

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UMove x64 1.10.974 - Post Your Review

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UMove is an application that can recover, move or clone the Microsoft Active Directory database for recovery, backup or testing. UMove an easy to use utility that can make ... a dead computer. It can back up and recover AD like no other utility. * Make ...
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