SQL Management Studio 2011 for Oracle Full Description
EMS SQL Management Studio 2011 for Oracle is a complete solution for Oracle database administration and development. With components that focus on all critical Oracle database management tasks, SQL Studio is a single workbench that provides you with must-have tools for administering Oracle databases, managing database schema and objects as well as for Oracle database design, migration, extraction, Oracle query building, data import, export and database comparison.
SQL Studio unites these database tools for Oracle in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. With SQL Management Studio many database administration objectives, such as migration, data loading and synchronization, database backup and extraction can be automated, allowing Oracle database administrators and Oracle application developers to perform complex tasks on a regular basis with the minimum number of efforts and a high level of flexibility.
Whether you are a database or application developer, DBA or business analyst, SQL Studio for Oracle offers all essential Oracle tools to make you more productive than ever before!
Basic features:
· Support of Oracle versions from 8.2 to 10.2
· Simple management of all Oracle objects (including create/edit/ drop operations)
· Easy-to-work integrated environment uniting all SQL Studio capabilities
DB registration and connection:
· Multiple home/database connections
· Connection to Oracle Server through SSH
· Registering selected databases to work with
· Grouping/Ungrouping registered databases
· Single repository for all DBs registered with EMS Software Development applications.
DB management:
· Back Up any registered database
· Restore previously backed up database
· Powerful job manager to administer jobs
· Grant manager displaying all database object grants in the form of a grid
Data manipulation:
· View, edit, search, group, sort, filter any data stored in registered database
· Export data in many formats (MS Excel, MS Word, HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF, XML, etc.)
· Export data stored in different DBs in a single operation
· Import data from many sources (MS Excel, DBF, TXT, CSV, XML, MS Access)
· Import data from different sources to different DBs in a single operation
· Convert database structure and data from OLE DB/ODBC data sources
· Generate test data to several database tables at the same time
· Console versions for all data manipulation utilities
Data Analysis:
· DB comparison and synchronization ability
· Data comparison and synchronization ability
· Console versions for all data analysis utilities
Template management:
· Create new templates for SQL Studio utilities
· Edit existing templates for SQL Studio utilities
· User friendly template manager. Fast access to the needed template.
· Launch the utility for the selected template in one click
· Scheduled execution of data manipulation tasks (Import, Export, etc.)
· Scheduled execution of any external applications
· Creation and execution of complex tasks
· Storage of logs for executed tasks
· Flexible system of task execution results notifications (e-mail, net send, Application Log)
Log management:
· Storage of logs for applications run by Scheduler
· Ability to search, view, delete, export existing logs
Report designer:
· New Create Report Wizard allows you to create simple reports in a few clicks
· Managing reports the same way as if they were database objects: accessing reports directly through DB Explorer tree
Other tools:
· Extracting metadata and data into text files or SQL script editor
· Extracting metadata and data from different DBs in a single operation
· Console version of Extract metadata tool
· Powerful print metadata module for creating customizable metadata reports
· HTML report generator to create a detailed HTML report about your database quickly
· SQL Monitor
· SQL Query
· Saving favourite queries
· Saving query history
· Ability to create diagrams based on queries
Release notes:
New Release
· The Task Scheduler can now be launched as a Windows Service or a separate process.
· If a custom task is launched manually, its execution process can be tracked in the special window.
· Backup/restore services are now available in SQL Studio for PostgreSQL.
· The SSH or HTTP connection type is now displayed within the host name field.
· Toolbar settings used to be reset after the program shutdown. Fixed now.
· The possibility to open PDF documentation from the main menu is implemented.
· Other small improvements and bug-fixes.
SQL Management Studio 2011 for Oracle full changelog ]
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