Portable Radio Sure 2.0.886

Portable Radio Sure 2.0.886

Portable Radio Sure Full Download Summary

Portable Radio SureOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (14 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 2.30 MB
  • Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64
  • License: Freeware
  • Price: FREE
  • Downloads: Total: 1020 | This Month: 5
  • Released: Jan 8, 2010
  • Publisher: RadioSure
  • Publisher URL: http://www.radiosure.com/

Portable Radio Sure 2.0.886 Full Description

RadioSure gives you the smoothest radio listening experience. The main rule is - it should be simple, reliable and should just work.

Main features are:

* More than 12000 of stations in the package
* Supports most of the internet radio formats - mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac+ and so on
* Quick and reliable search for your favorite radio stations
* Smooth switching between stations including crossfade effect
* Recording what you are listening to and packaging it into separate song files
* Simultanious recording of multiple stations
* Automatic checking for software and radio stations updates
* Command line parametes for automatization
* Runs on Windows XP and Vista 32 and 64 bit
* UNICODE support - all domestic stations are perfectly visible and searchable
* and much much more…

Release notes:

New Release
· 0000156: [feature] Skin System! (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000117: [feature] Free up the memory when StationList is not visible. (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000082: [bug] Accessibility Features for blind people (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000058: [bug] Clear Search History button (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000142: [localization] Updated Czech translation (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000101: [feature] Static Global Hotkeys (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000130: [feature] Double click on form to do expand (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000096: [localization] Chinese Traditional translation (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000103: [localization] Greece translation! (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000089: [feature] Stay on top button (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000109: [localization] Polish translation (administrator) - resolved.
· 0000067: [bug] Relative path for the recording folder, for portability. (administrator) - resolved.
[ Portable Radio Sure full changelog ]

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