

pCon.planner Full Download Summary

pCon.plannerCADWindows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.9 (14 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 297.00 MB
  • Platform: Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11
  • License: Freeware
  • Price: FREE
  • Downloads: Total: 6202 | This Month: 4
  • Released: Nov 1, 2023
  • Publisher: EasternGraphics
  • Publisher URL: https://pcon-planner.com/

pCon.planner Full Description

The pCon.planner is a cost-free application allowing you to comfortably and professionally create complex furnishing concepts and to visualize them in a photo-realistic quality.

The pCon.planner allows you to access the web catalogs of numerous manufacturers and dealers in the furnishing industry. You load the objects directly into your planning and thus equip the rooms with real high-quality 3D models.
The pCon.planner allows you to comfortably exchange data with the current CAD systems. Open CAD data with the pCon.planner and just process them further.
The pCon.planner is easy and fast to learn because its functions are tailored to the planning of rooms and furnishings and are easily comprehensible. You don`t need any CAD knowledge.
The pCon.planner sets new standards in the graphic visualization of your planning. Move freely and in real-time through your 3D planning and convince yourself of the exceptional quality.
Give pCon.planner a try to see how useful it can be for 3D design!

Please note: pCon.planner 8.1 will only be available as a 64-bit version.


- Easy and intuitively to use
- Countless web catalogs
- Breathtakingly realistic visualization
- Optimal handling of data
- Realistic, on-demand product images with OSPRay
- Sharing of pCon.planner panoramas directly onto Facebook
- Measuring height of any selected object
- Support for the drawing element "cylinder" for 3D operations
- Improved interactors for object placement in layout area
- New algorithm for output and printing of layout pages
- Individual setting for coordinates when moving objects
- Setting back-up folder for plans
- OSPRay: Improved Image Quality
- Rendering Animations with OSPRay
- Exporting Multiple Real-Time Images and Panoramas
- Real-Time Rendering Performance
- Construction Tools Can Do More
- New Options for Windows and Doors
- Protractor
- Importing and Exporting Toolbars

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