Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac 5.0.9376

Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac 5.0.9376

Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac Full Download Summary

Parallels Desktop 5 for MacOtherMac OS X

User Rating: 3.1 (25 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 222.40 MB
  • Platform: Mac OS X
  • License: Trialware
  • Price: $79.99
  • Downloads: Total: 4409 | This Month: 3
  • Released: Sep 2, 2010
  • Publisher: Parallels
  • Publisher URL:

Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac 5.0.9376 Full Description

Run Windows applications on Mac without rebooting
With more than 70 new, exciting features and enhancements, Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac is faster, smarter and more powerful than ever — helping you run Windows programs and devices seamlessly on your Mac.


* Run thousands of Windows programs faster on your Mac
* Enhanced! Install Windows XP, Vista or 7 in 3 easy steps
* Enhanced! Optimized for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
* New! Full support for Aero, including Flip 3D in Windows Vista and 7 & OpenGL 2.1
* New! OpenGL 2.1 support for Linux guest Operating Systems
* Enhanced! Parallels Compressor automatically reclaims hard disk space
* Enhanced! Intel VT-x2 virtualization technology drives maximum performance
* Enhanced! Unmatched virtual machine performance
* Enhanced! KVM paravirtualization for Linux gives unmatched performance


* The simple and easy way to use Windows — show as much or as little of the Windows interface as you like — supporting those new to Mac and the very experienced. Easily share files between Mac and Windows
* Launch Windows apps directly from the Mac dock
* New! Support for Multi-Touch trackpad gestures in Windows applications
* Enhanced! Improved USB device compatibility — printers, cameras, mobile phones, scanners, GPS devices and more
* New! Run Mac OS X and Windows on multiple monitors
* Enhanced! Easily organize multiple windows with Exposé and Spaces
* New! Use Apple remote to control Windows applications
* New! Copy & paste formatted text and images between Windows, Mac and Linux

More Powerful

* Enhanced! Run more than 60 different — operating systems, including Windows, Linux, BSD and more
* Enhanced! Full support for Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Server, 8 virtual CPUs and 64-bit Windows
* Enhanced! SmartGuard’s instant "snapshots" make backup and recovery easier than ever
* New! Use administrator tools to protect and secure virtual machines
* Enhanced! DirectX 9.0c/9Ex with Shader Model 3 support for games and 3D graphics apps


Mac OS® X 10.4.11 or higher

Release notes:

New Release
· Fixes compatibility with new Mac Pros based on Intel Xeon Westmere processors.
[ Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac full changelog ]

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Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac 5.0.9376 - Post Your Review

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Discover Parallels Desktop for Mac Parallels Desktop for Mac is simply the world’s bestselling, top-rated, and most trusted solution for running Windows applications on your Mac. With Parallels Desktop for Mac, you can seamlessly run both Windows and Mac OS X applications side-by-side with speed, control and ... Windows programs like they were native to your Mac. Setting up Parallels Desktop for Mac is simple ...
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