OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server 3.5

OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server 3.5

OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server Full Download Summary

OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC ServerOther Server ApplicationsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.3 (9 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 5.90 MB
  • Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64
  • License: Trialware
  • Price: FREE
  • Downloads: Total: 538 | This Month: 1
  • Released: Feb 18, 2011
  • Publisher: Buraq Integrated Solutions
  • Publisher URL:

OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server 3.5 Full Description

OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server is based on latest OPC Interface supporting OPC DA and OPC AE standards. You can define multiple devices, groups and items to connect to real time values of Modbus Registers ( Input / Output Coils, Input/ Output Holding Registers).

The OPC server is based on free threading programming model that allows optimizing the number of allocated programming threads depending on the load and number of connected clients to the server.

There are several other features like support for Multiple I/O Devices (PLCs, RTUs, Temperature Controllers, Flow Meters, Energy Meters etc), Multiple Groups for Tag management, Tag Multiplier for quick configuration, Configuration Import/Export capability and Simple and Interactive User Interface.

The OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server comes with built-in online data monitoring that helps to quickly monitor all defined registers values in real-time from the devices.

Give OpenControl Modbus Ethernet OPC Server a try to see what it's all about!

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