FileMaker Pro for Mac OS X 14.0v1

FileMaker Pro for Mac OS X 14.0v1

FileMaker Pro for Mac OS X Full Download Summary

FileMaker Pro for Mac OS XDatabases & ToolsMac OS X

User Rating: 2.7 (22 votes)

top download editor's pick
  • File size: 4.30 MB
  • Platform: Mac OS X
  • License: Trialware
  • Price: $299.00
  • Downloads: Total: 547 | This Month: 1
  • Released: May 17, 2015
  • Publisher: File Maker Inc
  • Publisher URL:

FileMaker Pro for Mac OS X 14.0v1 Full Description

FileMaker Pro is powerful, easy-to-use database software that helps you and your team get any task done faster. Millions of people in business, government, and education use FileMaker Pro to effortlessly manage all their information on Windows, Mac, and the web.

FileMaker Pro has several easy ways to help you create databases right away!

FileMaker Resource Center

Found under the Help Menu in FileMaker Pro, the FileMaker Resource Center has QuickTime video tutorials for both new and existing users and other resources to help you get the most out of your FileMaker software.

FileMaker Quick Start Screen

Every time you launch FileMaker Pro, the FileMaker Quick Start Screen shows you how to create a new database, open an existing database or learn more about the product. You’ll be able to create new databases from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a text file or even your Bento data in a couple of clicks. Plus the new "See it, Use it, Learn it" interface guides you through creating a database.

Ready-to-Use Templates

Professionally designed databases are included in FileMaker Pro to help you get started even faster! Choose from 30 updated Starter Solutions for the most popular FileMaker tasks, like managing contacts, organizing projects, and tracking inventory. These Starter Solutions can be easily customized to meet your unique needs.

Import from Excel

Drag and drop an Excel spreadsheet to instantly import your data into FileMaker Pro or open a spreadsheet in FileMaker Pro from the Quick Start Screen. The intuitive point-and-click interface helps you customize your data by dragging and dropping fields and objects wherever you want. You can even save your data back to Excel in a single click with the Excel Maker feature.

Import from Bento

FileMaker Pro 10 now works with Bento, the personal database for the Mac. Import your Bento data directly into a new FileMaker database from the Quick Start Screen. Or add your Bento information into an existing FileMaker database – combine it with your FileMaker information or import it as a separate table. Through Bento you can now add your Mac OS X Address Book and iCal information as well.

Reporting Made Easy

Create reports in minutes with built-in database reporting tools.

Reporting with FileMaker Pro

Get the most out of your information in FileMaker Pro with easy-to-use database reporting tools. Track sales performance, publish key metrics, or create ad-hoc reports in just a few clicks. Database reporting is fast and easy with FileMaker Pro, plus it’s built right in — no additional software is required.

Reporting Basics

Use the built-in Report Assistant to guide you in building a new report. Simply select a layout, choose the fields you want included, pick from 25 predefined themes and you’ve created a report in FileMaker Pro! To ensure your data is accurate, FileMaker Pro offers validations such as pull-down menus, date range selectors and spell checking.

Sharing your Reports

Publish your reports in popular formats such as Microsoft® Excel or Adobe® Acrobat. Just choose the Save/Send Records as Excel or PDF, and your FileMaker information is saved in the selected format. Secure your information by password-protecting your PDFs. You can even distribute your reports via email in a couple of clicks.

Report on Data from other Applications

FileMaker Pro has tools to help you create database reports with information from back-end systems such as Microsoft® SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL, or from custom applications such as inventory solutions, accounting programs or student information systems.


Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

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