Devart Excel Add-in Database Pack 1.7

Devart Excel Add-in Database Pack 1.7

Devart Excel Add-in Database Pack Full Download Summary

Devart Excel Add-in Database PackOffice Suites & ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008r2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Editi

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

  • File size: 4.82 MB
  • Platform: Win2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008r2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Editi
  • License: Free To Try
  • Price: $269.95
  • Downloads: Total: 124 | This Month: 1
  • Released: Mar 19, 2018
  • Publisher: Devart
  • Publisher URL:

Devart Excel Add-in Database Pack 1.7 Full Description

Devart Excel Add-ins Database Pack includes Excel Add-ins that allow working with database data like with usual worksheets. It includes add-ins for DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite.


.NET Framework 4.0 or higher; Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime.

Release notes:

Major Update
Data refresh and Edit Mode are significantly improved. Other features are upgraded.
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Devart Excel Add-in Database Pack 1.7 - Post Your Review

Import Wizard 12.2.2

Import Wizard enables you to easily import text based report files into MS-Access, Excel, MS-SQL Server, MSDE, MySQL, or other databases. The software goes beyond the standard text import functionality by allowing imports with multiple lines per record and importing headers and footers. The software will prove to be very useful to import information from web transactions, mainframe, non-windows based, or ...

Pack Attachments 5.0.0

... experience. With just a few clicks, users can pack or unpack attachments, making the process quick and ... In addition to its primary function of packing attachments, the software also offers a range of ... set custom compression levels, choose specific attachments to pack, and even automate the packing process for incoming ...

Export Notes to MSG Format 4.14

Export Notes to MSG Format is a handy add-in ... that can help you save your notes by exporting them to MSG files. You only need to ... detects the notes saved in the folder and exports them as MSG files to a folder that you can choose. It can also create ...

Import Barcode Labels Design

... It contains following guidelines and specifications that are important to the printing method or equipment used. *Bleed: ... final trim size of the design. Bleed is important to make sure that the label design covers the whole label without leaving the white space around its edges. *Understand the required resolutions: Each ...

Import Export

Extracting and importing is a major problem. Just think, you could take a text file and import it into a program to get automatic results. ... will be removed. This data then could be exported to a spreadsheet or database program where the users will be able to ... a file has more that 65,000 line items, exporting this into a spreadsheet is very difficult and ...

Proposal Pack Wizard 17.11

**Proposal Pack Wizard by Cyber Sea: A Comprehensive Solution for Professional Proposals** Proposal Pack Wizard, developed by Cyber Sea, is a robust ... **Key Features:** 1. **Extensive Template Library:** Proposal Pack Wizard offers an impressive array of templates covering ... Flexibility:** One of the standout features of Proposal Pack Wizard is its high degree of customization. Users ...
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